
Discover the Runner Within

Find out what you are capable of achieving as a runner. Learn how to train sustainably towards your goals . Root out dead-end, stagnating workouts that sap your motivation and discover a more fulfilling way to run.

Our personalized one-on-one coaching helps you uncover the opportunities that await, helping you take your run further.

What is this?

On going, month-to-month, online personal coaching in pursuit of your running goals, whatever they may be. We work together with you to design a training program tailored to abilities, your ambitions, and your lifestyle.

From there, we stay available to answer your questions, keep you accountable, provide feedback, and share resources and knowledge to help you make the most of your running journey.

Who this is for?

Anyone with the desire to deepen their relationship with running and make the most of what running has to offer, no matter the end goal. Whether you are new to the sport, wanting to use running to enhance your other sports, or chasing a coveted Boston qualifier, we can adapt a program to your needs and capabilities.

Are you:

  • Signed up for your first road or trail race and unsure how to approach your training?

  • Curious about how running might fit into your active lifestyle?

  • Worried about how to improve your personal best time this upcoming race season?

  • Returning from an injury, or starting to run after a prolonged absence from the sport?

  • Interested in gaining a deeper understanding of running science and training principles?

  • Loving running, but find your motivation or enjoyment of the sport waning at times?

  • Wishing you could run longer, more often, and avoid injuries in the process?

  • Having trouble holding yourself accountable or finding the motivations to stick with your training?

If this sounds like you, but you aren’t sure how to take the first steps towards finding a solution, don’t worry, that’s what we’re here for. We want to help you avoid the pitfalls of “cookie-cutter” training plans and whichever latest running fads that’ll only leave discouraged and missing out on the joy and fulfillment running can provide you.

How much does it cost?

Our run coaching is sold as a month to month subscription at $120 a month, with no minimum length required.

How long does it last?

Coaching is month to month and you can start or end your subscription at anytime. If you’re hoping to train for a particular race or event, here’s a general guideline of how long our training cycles are. These are just our suggested starting points. Your own personal running circumstance will influence exactly how long a training plan suited to your needs might last.

  • Distances up to 10K: 8 to 16 weeks (2 to 4 months)

  • 10K and Half Marathon: 12 to 20 weeks (3 to 5 months)

  • 30K, Marathon, Ultra distances up to 100K: 16 to 24 weeks (4 to 6 months)

What you’ll get

  • Initial consultation to go over your running history, training goals, and outlining how we might approach designing your program. (approximately 1 hour)

  • A custom training plan designed just for you, delivered through Training Peaks

  • Ongoing analysis, feedback, and modifications to your training plan based on your progress and input.

  • Ongoing communication with your coach:

    • Unlimited communication through text, email, and our various chat platforms (mainly our Discord)

    • Additional video calls as needed for more in-depth follow-ups during your training process.

  • Unlimited access to our training documents, materials, and resources.

Our approach

A successful coach and athlete relationship is a collaborative effort. We work with you to provide knowledge and explain the principles around your training plan. From there our goal is to involve you in the process, continuously seeking your feedback, your preferences, and your own dash of personality to discover what works best for you. Your running journey is ultimately your own and we want to provide as many opportunities for you to participate and learn throughout our collaboration.

How we work:

  • Start With a Goal, Focus on the Journey: They need not be complex or grandiose, but we start all our plans with a purpose and destination in mind. We also help you find other ways to measure success beyond goals times and race day results; we focus on making the entire training process rewarding.

  • Informed Decisions and Continuous Learning: We base our coaching on continuous research and education paired with our years of experience. Facts and efficacy over flash and trends. #learningneverstops

  • Pragmatic and Flexible, Never Flashy or Dogmatic: We’re here to help you achieve your goals, not make ourselves look good with fancy training plans and preachy, over complicated workouts. We look for simple and effective solutions while staying open and adaptable to new ideas and methods that might be around the corner.

  • Context is Everything: No two runners are alike and thus no two training plans are alike. We design and plan your running around your specific life circumstances.

  • Above All, Running is a Source of Joy: Yes, you will work hard, you will push your boundaries, and you’ll overcome many challenges, but remember running should ultimately be a source of pleasure and fulfilment. We want to help you achieve your ambitions while helping you develop a long lasting relationship with your running practice.

Ready to run?

Still warming up?

See our Frequently Asked Questions

or send us your questions below